​​Zoe Otter

Registered & Chartered Psychologist

Psychologue (parlant anglais)

ADELI number: 759366875

SIREN: 835 215 138

​79, Avenue de Ségur, 75015 - Paris


​​​+33 (0)6 59 68 61 18

Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised (ADI-R)

The ADI-R is a structured interview used to aid the diagnosis of autism. Assessment results can be used to guide subsequent treatment planning, and can help to distinguish autism from other developmental disorders.

The interview explores Language & Communication, Social Development & Play, and Behaviours and Interests. The ADI-R may be used with anyone with a developmental level of at least 2 years.

Please note: The ADI-R should be used in conjunction with other sources of information when seeking a formal diagnosis of autism.

Additional information and assessment is recommended regarding:

  • presence/absence of other mental disorders
  • family history
  • systematic and direct observation of the child/adult (ideally using the ADOS-2: Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition)
  • information derived from the ADI-R should also meet criteria using formal psychiatric diagnostic manuals (e.g. DSM-V, ICD-10)